Conspiracy Theory: Deep State Now Exists in the Federal Reserve Bank

Trump White House (July 14. 2020 – Anniversary of French Bastille Day) – Washington, D.C. – There is a new alleged danger to the world economy. Another idea forwarded by an unidentified ‘White House Official.’

Another ‘deep state’ conspiracy promoted.

Toxic ideas.

It is acting like a hate virus.

trump scream

Do not watch the false news of the DJIA. There are NO economic fundamentals factored into the stock market. DJIA figures are largely not reality.

One reality check: What is the National Debt?

Another check: What has happened to the US gross national product?

And another: What has happened to wages of working Americans?





Time to Tee Off, Mr. Presidente

If he had better advisers POTUS Trump would leave for South Floorida today. They need his funny business.

I’m sure The Donald will feel better if he can cheat on his own golf course. What would be the ideal foursome?

A to Z

Take Mnuchin with you to Mir-al-Lago. Milania may be jealous but it will be worth it. The Secretary of the Treasury has no qualms about betting from the federal treasury… the USA national debt can set another record.

Next, The Donald needs to take a caddy that he can blame anything and everything on. How about that Admiral who cannot figure out how to test enough Americans for the Covid 19?!?

The Green Principles – Ten Key Items with the Future in-mind

Part I of a Series by Max’s Scout Services & Communications of the Americas – April 2020 –

1. Grassroots Democracy

All human beings must be allowed a say in decisions that affect their lives; no one should be subject to the will of another. We work to improve public participation in every aspect of government and seek to ensure that our public representatives are fully accountable to the people who elect them. We also work to create new types of political organizations that expand the process of participatory democracy by directly including citizens in decision-making.

2. Social Justice And Equal Opportunity

As a matter of right, all persons must have the opportunity to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment. We must consciously confront in ourselves, our organizations, and society at large, any discrimination by race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, religion, or physical or mental ability that denies fair treatment and equal justice under the law.

nurture-nature copyright 1988

3. Ecological Wisdom

Human societies must function with the understanding that we are part of nature, not separate from nature. We must maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet. We support a sustainable society that utilizes resources in such a way that future generations will benefit and not suffer from the practices of our generation. To this end we must practice agriculture that replenishes the soil, move to an energy-efficient economy, and live in ways that respect the integrity of natural systems.

4. Non-Violence

It is essential that we develop effective alternatives to society’s current patterns of violence. We will work to demilitarize and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, without being naive about the intentions of other governments. We recognize the need for self-defense and the defense of others who are in danger. We promote non-violent methods to oppose practices and policies with which we disagree, and will guide our actions toward lasting personal, community and global peace.

5. Decentralization

Centralization of wealth and power contributes to social and economic injustice, environmental destruction, and militarization. We seek a restructuring of social, political and economic institutions away from a system controlled by and mostly benefiting the powerful few, to a democratic, less bureaucratic system. Decision-making should, as much as possible, remain at the individual and local level, while assuring that civil rights are protected for all.

6. Community-Based Economics

We support redesigning our work structures to encourage employee ownership and workplace democracy. We support developing new economic activities and institutions that allow us to use technology in ways that are humane, freeing, ecological, and responsive and accountable to communities. We support establishing a form of basic economic security open to all. We call for moving beyond the narrow ‘job ethic’ to new definitions of ‘work,’ ‘jobs’ and ‘income’ in a cooperative and democratic economy. We support restructuring our patterns of income distribution to reflect the wealth created by those outside the formal monetary economy – those who take responsibility for parenting, housekeeping, home gardens, community volunteer work, and the like. We support restricting the size and concentrated power of corporations without discouraging superior efficiency or technological innovation.

7. Feminism And Gender Equity

We have inherited a social system based on male domination of politics and economics. We call for the replacement of the cultural ethics of domination and control with cooperative ways of interacting that respect differences of opinion and gender. Human values such as gender equity, interpersonal responsibility, and honesty must be developed with moral conscience. We recognize that the processes for determining our decisions and actions are just as important as achieving the outcomes we want.

8. Respect For Diversity

We believe it is important to value cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual, religious and spiritual diversity, and to promote the development of respectful relationships across the human spectrum. We believe that the many diverse elements of society should be reflected in our organizations and decision-making bodies, and we support the leadership of people who have been traditionally closed out of leadership roles. We encourage respect for all life forms, and increased attention to the preservation of biodiversity.

9. Personal And Global Responsibility

We encourage individuals to act to improve their personal wellbeing and, at the same time, to enhance ecological balance and social harmony. We seek to join with people and organizations around the world to foster peace, economic justice, and the health of the planet.

10. Future Focus And Sustainability

Our actions and policies should be motivated by long-term goals. We seek to protect valuable natural resources, safely disposing of or ‘unmaking’ all waste we create, while developing a sustainable economics that does not depend on continual expansion for survival. We must counterbalance the drive for short-term profits by assuring that economic development, new technologies, and fiscal policies are responsible to future generations who will inherit the results of our actions. We must make the quality of all lives, rather than open-ended economic growth, the focus of future thinking and policy.

Encouraging Words from Pastor Chilson: “We are the Body of Christ” – It is time to FEEL it !!!

The 4th Sunday of Lent 2020 – (Archdiocese of Denver) – This writer has been singing the blues for more than a weak and it is making me tired.

Thank God for inspiration from St. Stephen in Glentucky, Colorado! Father Bert Chilson replied to one of my shouts without joy of how to rethink the mess we are in with this pandemic viral thang.

Dear David, We are in a common Eucharist now more than ever;

not [together worshipping] at Mass but in solidarity and unity with all of humanity as the Body of Christ.

Feel it, believe it.

20141002_112010 (2)
Mount Sopris in Late September

photo by D. A. F. N. Dailey taken in 2014 when Dailey was joyful about life

in Western Colorado – Mt. Sopris is near Carbondale in Garfield County

“Ain’t No Sunshine When She’s Gone” You know how you get a song stuck in your head… it keeps playing, and playing, and playing

Dailey Sun~Chronicles (Day 5 of ‘self-quaranteen’ ‘social isolation’ social distancing . . . ) Counties of San Mateo and Santa Clara – It was really special to text message my former fiancée this motning…

it is about all this man has left is some beautiful memories. I and KP were going to get married and I would have a son (I only fathered on daughter that I know of) and I was already planning on paying his way through Pharmacy School at The University of the Pacific [Stockton] or UCSF [San Francisco].

Perhaps some of the 8, 9, or ten happiest days of my life. One day, we went into a Palo Alto jewelry store. KP decided when to stop sizing engagement rings. By Day #10, were were no longer “an item.”

What a storybook scene: Romantic meeting inside, or was it outside in line, at the local East Palo Alto midnight shelter. I say “midnight shelter” because We HOPE would not allow any drunks in after 12:00.

KP and I were gonna’ have it all, together, and a son working at Walgreen’s dispensing class-two narcotics to manage our chronic pain issues. See KP and I had a lot in common and dreams of a better future (this was the Summer of 2013).

drowning triathlete

By the Fall of 2013, I was urged by Father Johnny to join the priesthood. In fact, during two separate years – 2013 and 2015 – I attended, or attempted to get in, St. Patrick Seminary School. Each time I was told by a cool seminarian that there was no room for me there.

In those days, I looked over 50 years-old. It was easy to see their point. The Archdiocese of San Francisco ‘Discernment Weekend’ was for 20-something unmarried Catholics. Me with Roman Catholic credentials dating back to 1953 had no place better to go that Friday afternoon(s).

Father Johnny was right to go express my intentions, desire, hopes, and dreams up to St. Patrick – our patron saint of Fighting Irish fans.

Had I been admitted then, I would be a practicing priest right NOW.

At this time, we need more religious leaders. That is not me.

pictured below is EPA’s Project We HOPE:

Clients' entrance to Project We Hope overnight shelter in East Palo Alto, California

Helter Skelter ‘Shelter in-Place,’ with 4 Broad Principles – “Ignorance on Your Part Does Not Make an Emergency for Me” and My Roommates Need a Haircut

The Dailey Sun~Chronicles (July 25, 2020) – Northern California – RESUMPTION OF OUR AMERICAN LIVES [We mean freedom!]

Sooner or later there is at least one character in the ‘snow blizzard’ period be it being driven ‘nuts’ stuck in the same mud-house for yet another day.

Let’s join in the petition – sign it – and Recall the California Governor for usurping the State Constitution!

It is almost like someone is stolen my childhood.

I do feel like Governor Gavin Newsom has stolen/kidnapped/sexually abused me. Let us citizens impeach him.

Note: This is a work in progress… originally written 5:15 p.m. EDT on Saturday, March 22, 2020,

Stone at Minneapolis’ Cedar Lake Park. My bro Dan L. and his lovely wife Holly Ramsay Dailey had a lot to do with conserving the neighborhood park. God bless their souls…

May we have a discussion now about Climate Change?!?

Enough about the misunderstood virus. There must be more than 2,000 identified viruses that are pathogenic (harmful).

The American public is not educationally sophisticated enough to self-evaluate the risks associated with it. We are still learning and dropping like flies.

Christian Dilemna while Sheltering-in-Place with Odd Unrelated Roommies

County of San Mateo (March 2020) – CRUCIFIXES DESTROYED BY ROOMMATES DURING THE SO-CALLED CORONABEER VIRAL PANIC – Three Roman Catholic priests were asked what to do in this instance(s). On two different days, a roommate removed a cross with the dead body of Jesus Christ from the kitchen wall.

There was no discussion. There was no trace of either crucifix after it was removed.

It being the Lenten Season, one Christian was perplexed and asked three priests, ranging from 62 ot 94 years-old, what to do. Each had a unique answer:

(a) Don’t put another one up unless all roommates agree. This might make sense yet other roommates routinely post notes and decorations in the kitchen without any consultation with other occupants.

Given the gravity of the situation, this may be the BEST alternative.

(b) Nail the crucifix to the wall !

(c) Instead of posting a cruCifix that might be destroyed,

keep one in your pocket at all times.

All ideas are great. Can you help the abused Christian what to do?


St Marias ceiling


Resilience is a Great Trait

Resilience is an important host factor in the prevention of any illness. Getting sleep is something that is left off the CDC list, as is prayer.

This article was written three weeks ago. The horror of the Covid-19 spreading in a Washington nursing home and several others across the country really grabbed attention.

From Florida to Maine to California up to Alaska and out to Hawai’i (Tuesday, March 10, 2020) Older Americans Do Not Scare Easily – Older Americans may susceptible to believing B.S. (bullshit) they see on TV.

Younger Americans are making decisions without consulting their ‘stakeholders.’ A stakeholder is a person or group [senior citizens] that is affected by the change. Ask older people what they think; use their wisdom.

Change is something that get harder to do and accept when old age approaches. Younger Americans in positions of power are doing things with their hearts and souls, but neglecting the ‘brain trust’ of veterans. Coincidentally, people living in nursing homes have died recently and it was not their fault.

Blood is on the hands of VP Mike Pence.

Making good decisions with correlation, rather than cause-and-effect is very risky.

Decisions made with faulty information can be poor.

Information trickling down (just like piss) from the White House may be leading to more bad than good. Acting cabinet member Alex Azar really can scare folks of all ages when he opens his mouth.

I pray that Azar does not take a horse piss on social media.

Republicans from New York have a particular way of behaving using social media… do you remember the governor that kept sending penis pictures to women.

Oh course you recall the two NYC mayors who suffered from diahhrea of the mouth?!?

So we might as well base our science and technology on the rise and fall of the DJIA/Wall Street. (No, this is a false statement. Do not believe it for a New York Minute)

I hope you have already known that making assumptions is really ‘making an ass out of you and me.’

It only took one course in epidemiology to sell me on the idea that vectors, agents, hosts, and the environment must be analyzed for making improvements in public health and safety.

Resilience is a word that no one from the Pence Viral Committee have uttered.

Furthermore, the Trump-Pence White House have never utilized the Monroe Doctrine that has been around since the 1820s. Go figure that The Donald never got good grades in Social Studies, Geography, World or U.S. History, nor the origin and principles of the Lincoln Republican Party.

resiliencebetter memory

Senior Americans would spend their time better improving their cognitive health and short-term and long-term memories. Why should the old geezeers do stuff the way the kids ‘wet behind the ears’ are saying?


copyright MMXX – Max’s Scout Services & Communications of the Americas, LLC

** this information may be duplicated and reprinted **

[part 4 in the series] Public Health 2020… It is Time for Common Sense and Better Management to Trickle from the Top Down…

North America – Sunday, March 8, 2020 – Mike Pence and Donald Trump are Scaring Americans, Abandoning Cruise Vacationers, and Muddying Up the Waters in View of Covid 19 – “What Me Worry?!?” ~ Alfred E. Newman

The US Center of Disease Control will not tell us about the power and usefulness of prayer. Sometimes I count my lucky stars that my parents baptized me and I continue to practice Catholocism. My Mom used to say, “Be careful what you pray for.” Well, even if you may not be a believer, praying does not hurt. Being positive in the face of hazards is a bit of common sense.

People are not at high risk unless you come in contact with the virus. One major issue is that medical researchers do not know enough data about this virus. Recall that there are thousands of viruses that have been identified and Covid 19 is newly discovered and very puzzling. On the deep end of the knowledge spectrum, some leaders are making decisions based on ignorance and stupidity.

  • The idea of cancelling events is wrong. This may be a Russian or Red Chinese idea but I find this talk unamerican.
  • The fact that a cruise ship has not landed is dumb. The healthy people should get off and get away and the sick crew members should be able to access medical help.
  • School leaders are running scared. A Stanford diploma may need an * with all these classes via Internet. Menlo School – with tuition the same price as Stanford’s – are closing their campus. Research shows that decisions made in a state of high stress, based on misinformation, and result from fear and other negative perspectives are most usually incorrect and just plain stupid.
  • The economy will continue to take hits. I am beginning to feel sorry for all the 1% of Americans who received the Trump Tax Break. Given my standing in life, “What Me Worry?”

Businessmen and scientists know how to do cost-benefit analyses. This is a common sense strategy for making good decisions that ain’t observed being used this week.

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We can blame the news bureaus or just take what they are reporting with a grain of salt. News… garbage in, garbage out for reporting. Perhaps we cannot blame them for what is reported. Nonetheless, the Trump Administration has CNN as a scapegoat.

You will not read about the efficacy/benefits of prayer in the CDC’s weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report, but it has real value… more than we can measure.

Please forward your questions and comments to

You will find three related articles on one of our web-blogs:

By all means, Be Well!

The fifth installment will be published in the Dailey Sun~Chronicles.


copyright MMXX – Max’s Scout Services & Communications of the Americas, LLC –

Edited by D. A. Dailey

This information may be reprinted      [ Permission Granted ]




Part 2 1/2 of 3: Domestic Violence in the County of San Mateo, California

The Dailey Sun~Chronicles – March 2, 2020, REVISED Wednesday, March 18th – County of San Mateo in the City of San Mateo –

“Shelter in Place” and the lack of medical supplies and the hoarding of silly things like toilet paper (T.P.), and bad decisions by pressured, overstressed appointed and elected officials. These are a few of the latest issues; issues are not problems unless we allow others to be problematic.


LT can hardly be trusted as a credible roommate in a household where occupants are expected to take care of themselves. He has reached a point where he is a major liability and negative roommate for the household.


Particular Issues, as follows:


  • Senses Dim – Like 1) not smelling or hearing the pot boiling over and burning on the stove, 2) Not noticing a lamp shade burning, located within ten feet of him to his left on the couch, 3) Often unaware of his surroundings even though they are within sight or hearing, 4) David returned on Saturday, November 30 at 8:45 and found the house filled with smoke, with two pans burned to a crisp in the oven; their attempts to remove the hazards came up short when they failed to use the fan in the living room to clear the air, and 5) So two days ago [Tuesday, November 26} in the middle of the afternoon, Kana (KP) returns via cab and Leland (LT) believes that that cab is waiting in front of the duplex for David. Within ten minutes, LT speaks rumors to Kana that get him mad at David.
  • Personal Safety and Health Concerns – These are too numerous to outline here.
  • Facility Security Issues – Due to last Thanksgiving Eve’s power outage, the home security system was down for an extra 8 hours while the batteries in the home screen device recharged.
  • Facility Safety Issues not resolved for several months – There is only one small fire extinguisher in 1561 Shoreview and it expired certification in 2018. All but one smoke detector in this side of the duplex is out of order; the one that works is located in Room B, DAD’s room.
  • Personal Hygiene Issues may be a Public Health Hazard for the other four occupants of the house, especially LT’s roommate Tony Radovan. From minor annoyances like leaving two dirty ashtrays, to not washing or showering daily like the other four roommates do, to refusing to have clean clothes and bedding, to leaving diarrhea on the bottom of the toilet seat any of these things could spread disease.
    • Bias for Violence – LT’s anger is usually followed within seconds with violent behavior toward others. Under state regulations, LT is an immediate candidate for a 51-50 enforced mental evaluation for 72 or more hours at San Mateo Medical Center. Police officers often give the perp a choice whether to go along with a 51-10 or going to jail until an arraignment can be scheduled with a Superior Court judge. DAD plans to file briefs regarding defendant LT during the week of December 2nd.
    • (1) At about 1 pm, Leland Terry struck David A. Dailey with his left fist on the side of the victim’s head about an inch from David’s right eye.LT spends most of his days sitting on the couch by the front window in the living room. Typically, he either does NOT answer the phone or door OR tells visitors that the person they are looking for is either not home or that the visitor IS NOT welcome and to “go away.”
    • (2) On February 28, 2020, at approximately 8:30 p.m. -during a time when the household is normally quiet watching Star Trek – LT attacks DAD. He is restrained by KP. LT chases DAD into his bedroom and shouts, “You stay in your room!”
  • Cognitive Abilities – for example, not remembering where the extra extension cord is located for almost an hour while the goods in the freezer may be defrosting. At about 8 pm. Leland shut off the wall switch, which supplied electrical juice to the extension cord between the living room wall and the refrigerator – freezer.
  • Passing Out Syndrome – With a seizure, Leland can black-out, tremor, be unconscious, and not remember much of anything.
    • Potential Harm to Others (while LT is not supervised) There is no-telling what could happen, or worse yet. LT smacked DAD in the head, within view of two witnesses, about 1 pm on Saturday, November 30. DAD was treated for his injuries at Palo Alto Medical Foundations’ Urgent Care Center. This was the same day that the victim returned home to find smoke throughout the house.
  • Personal Hygiene – It would be nice if he routinely washed hands before handling food donated by Samaritan House or eating / handling community food items that is shared among Tony, he, and David.

le suil

  1. Education – Leland Terry has not 1) registered for any college class, horse riding therapy sessions in Woodside, 2) volunteered at Folger’s Stable in Woodside, or 3) has been taking any self-taught learning course in years and years.
  2. Behavior – Often acts as a teenager. He does not have a psychiatrist and rarely sees an MD or dentist.
  3. Time Management – Most people would state that Leland does NOT make good use of his time. He spends most of the day on the brown couch by the front window watching westerns, police dramas, and science fiction with lethal weapons.
  4. Security of the House and Neighborhood – Local SMPD offices seem to know LT from incidents in the past and they no longer respect his judgment; Policemen would rather interview other people than take Leland’s word for it — this is unfortunate and unfair but the bias/stigma is prevalent
  5. Eating – Often his roommie Tony Radovan helps by offering food, reminds Leland that dinner time is now, or prepares Lee’s meals, but not beyond cutting his meat for him.
  6. Cooking – Not recommended for Leland. One day Katalina asked for help with the oven. Coincidentally, the dial on the gas oven was broken later in the evening and Ken/ Patelo really ‘lost his cool’ and took out his verbal abusive anger-driven language out on David Dailey.
  7. Operation of the Shower – Rarely used by Leland Terry. Katalina sometimes badgers Lee to use it.
  8. Laundry – David has no knowledge if LT has ever done his since he moved about a year ago into 1561 Shoreview.
  9. Operation of Running Water, Inside and Outside
  10. Cannot Follow Directions well = Between 7:30 and 7:55 p.m. Tony Radovan and David Daley attempted to ‘school him’ about a short Chavez Market shopping list. Many discrepancies were encountered upon Leland’s return with Tony’s cash, not Leland’s money nor David’s debit card and credit card; David was too sore to do the errand and Tony had been out shopping twice Wednesday already.
  11. Pilfering – Leland uses TP bought by other roommates; drinks and makes small pots of coffee using that which Toney purchased at Trader Joes; and eats doughnuts that David gets up as early as 4 a.m. to eat for himself.
  12. Inactivity – If one can get exercise sitting on the couch between 8 a.m. until 10 p.m., Leland gets way too much exercise.
  13. Scaring Others – Whether on the telephone or ‘greeting’ visitors at the front door or on the front patio, most visitors are reluctant to either return to visit with other roommies nor leave a message for others with Leland.
  14. Prescription Medicine – Lee can only renew his Rx at Ted’s Pharmacy if he borrows someone else’s’ telephone. He may run out of medicine some months because he fails to call the pharmacy in order to give them enough lead-time to deliver.
  15. OTHER – LT does not ask his roommates whether he can use food items from the refrigerator or freezer. He assumes he can and does without any please or thank you’s.

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